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教案 (Teaching Plan) _____《新目标》英语Go for it(人教版)

时间:2007-6-14   阅读996次

    PeiodOne SectionA Unit10
    1.教材分析analysing teaching materials:
    2.学生分析analising students’situation:
    学生在已经初步掌握了部分有关过去时的简单表达,但熟练地运用过去时的句子如:Where did you go last week? What did he do yesterday? Did you watch TV last Sunday?等等,进行恰当地交际。
    3.教学目标分析teaching aims and demands:
    (1.)知识目标knowledge aims:
    (2.)能力目标ability aims:
    刚学生能够熟练运用表达过去的单词和句子进行简单的交际问答,实现自由交际的目的。如:Did you study English two years ago? He stayed at home last night.等等,培养学生善于与人沟通的能力。
    (3.)情感目标emotion aims:
    4.教学重点teaching key points:
    5.教学难点teaching difficult points:
    6.课型tape of this lesson:
    新授new materials
    7.教学方法teaching methods:
    观察法(observation) 讨论法(disscussion) 练习法(ptacticing) 听、说、读、写等。(listening\speaking\reading\writing)结合法 交际训练法communication
    8.教学用具teaching aims:
    录音机(tape-recorder) 投影仪(overhead projector) 小黑板(small blackboard)大图片 (pictures) wall chart (挂图) wall calenda(挂历)等等。
    9.教学过程teaching procedures:
    Play the tape for students,let them listen to the song <> and sing it.
    Step2: 导入Lead-in
    Get students to tell us what they did yesterday.After that the teacher show students the title of this lesson and teaching aims: (投影展示)
    Unit10 Where did you go on vacation?
    Language Goals:
    Talk about past events.
    Where did he go on vacation?
    Where did you go on vacation?
    Where did you go on vacation?
    Did you\he\she\they go to the park?
    Step3:To have a free talk.
    Get students to talk with their parterners about things that happened recently.
    Step4:完成任务To finish the following tasks:
    1. 投影分别呈现有关生活图片(做作业、打球、呆在家里、看电视、打扫房间、学习、走亲访友、谈话等),让学生和同伴自由谈论图片上的人物。
    Teacher: point to the pictures one by one and ask students“What did they do?” at the same time.
    Students: answer questions about some activities that the persons did in the pictures.
    2.投影展示59页SectionA 1a的图片,让学生自由讨论图片上的有关人物在不同场景中的活动。
    3.Get students to finish 1a .then check the answers.
    The keys :1.e 2.b 3.d 4.c 5.a 6.f 7.g
    Task2: To finish 1b
    1. Teacher:play the tape for students the first time.
    Students : only litsten.
    2. Teacher:play the tape for students a second time.
    Students:look at the pictures and listen to the tape carefuly .The students fill the numbers in the boxes.
    2.Check the answers.The keys:
    1 .went to the mountains 2. visited my uncle 3 .tayed at home 4 .went to New York City 5 .went summer camp.
    1.Get students to talk about the people in 1a and make the conversations like this:
    A:where did Tina go on vacation?
    B:She went to the moutains.
    The students:make the dialogues.
    The teacher:move around the room and help them to make the dialogues.
    2.The students:act out their dialogues.
    Task4: Groupwork
    Finish the chart:
    1.Get students to interview their four classmats. Write down their names and what they did last week.
    Activities they did
    Days of the week
    2.Check students’s answers:
    3.Ask students to report what their classmates did last week.
    Task5:Finish activity2a
    1. Get students to look at the picture and try to recognize the persons \the places in the picture.
    2. Play the tape for the students.The stduents listen to the tape read the place and the places.
    1. c__Nacy
    2. a_kevin
    3. b_Julie
    a. the beach
    b. home
    c. Nnew York City
    3.Play the tape for the students again. The students write down the letters that are next to the places.
    4.The teacher check the answers.
    Task6: finish the repiort
    1.Teacher :Get the students to tell us what their important thing was that they can’t forget happened around them in last weekend.
    2.The students: discuss it with their parteners.The teacher move around the room,helping the students to write down the ansers and report it to their classmates.
    l 小黑板(有根据具体的教学情况选用的两套备用练习题)
    Step5: 布置作业make homework for today:
    1.Finish Exercise1 and Exercise2 in Unit10 in workbook.
    2.After school you can ask your father or mother “How did he\she spend the time when he\she were a student? Write down somethings about them.”
    Step6: .板书设计the design for writing on the blackboard:
    Period One sectionA
    What did you do last Sunday?
    Where did he go on vacation?
    Did you\he\she they go to the
    Yes,I\he \she\they did.
    No, I\he \she\they did n’t .
    Step7: .教学反思Self---examination about this lesson:
    In this class ,the students can communicate with the past forms of the verbs freely,but they can’t pronounce the –ed ending the verbers correctly.Next lesson we must help them to review phonetics,and encourage them to make the dialogues with their partners actively.


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